Rick's Restorations

Antique & vintage restoration shop featured on History Channel's American Restoration!
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AMERICAN RESTORATION on History features Rick Dale and his crew of loose screws at Rick´s Restorations in Las Vegas, Nevada, as they take rusty, beat-up items and restore them to their original glory. Whether it´s a giant gas pump from the 1940s or a Hopalong Cassidy bicycle from the 1950s, every restoration is a high-stakes business project where worthless rust is transformed into a valuable collectible. However, these restorations aren´t easy. Every project presents unique challenges for Rick and his team, who develop inventive processes to finish each job flawlessly and on time.
From old gas carts to timeless slot machines, the items Rick restores are part of the fabric that makes up American culture. You can still see Rick Dale occasionally on Pawn Stars restoring Rick Harrison´s "crap".
Things just aren´t made like they used to be, but at Rick´s Restorations, old becomes new again.
From old gas carts to timeless slot machines, the items Rick restores are part of the fabric that makes up American culture. You can still see Rick Dale occasionally on Pawn Stars restoring Rick Harrison´s "crap". Things just aren´t made like they used to be, but at Rick´s Restorations, old becomes new again.
Terms and Conditions
50% deposit required upfront and payable upon completion. Crating fee is additional.
To get an estimate please email us pictures of the item with info, history, dimensions to ricksestimates@gmail.com.
To sell us an item, please email us pictures of the item with info, history, dimensions and price to BrettlyO1992@gmail.com, Ron@ricksrestorations.com.
We do not give value on items, please refer to Ebay or other internet resources.
To buy an item, please see our inventory under items for sale. If there is an item you do not see, but are wanting to add to your collection, please email us at ricksestimates@gmail.com.
If you have a special request to buy and you do not see the item, please email us what you are looking for and we can get it atBrettlyO1992@gmail.com.
Jim Morrison
Bay Ridge Shipping
(949) 212-0969